Spinning in the Moment

    I had a bit of an epiphany the other day. It seems to me that these eye opening moments often happen at the strangest times. It can happen when I am doing something routine or mundane. It can happen when I am doing something silly and seemingly insignificant with my children. This was the latter.
    Me and my sweet little Zoey were dancing around the living room. Let me start by saying that this is normal behavior in my house. Me and the kids break into random song or dance almost every day of the week. I am sure most people would think we are a whole house full of crazy people. I am inclined to agree most of the time:) But I digress....
    So, me and Zo were dancing to "Change the World" by Eric Clapton and Babyface. This wasn't a song I chose on purpose. It just happened to be on one of those cable music channels. We were doing our best version of a waltz. I had her in my arms and were were making full use of our tiny living room. She loves every minute of our "sophisticated and elegant" movements that are occasionally interrupted swooping turns. Hey, I watch "Dancing With the Stars". Momma's got moves.... These big turns are her favorite part. Every now and then I go ahead and spend extra time on those spins, much to her delight and to the chagrin of my inner ear which is so sensitive I can get motion sick just watching a movie.
    About midway through our dance and I am about to start spinning her again. She lets go and throws her head back and stretches backwards. She reaches her tiny little fingers out towards the air and closes her eyes. And then a big smile spreads across her face. That is when it hits me. She might as well be flying all by herself right now. She is so lost in the moment that I am jealous. I feel my eyes start to well up as I realize something. I cannot remember the last time I just allowed myself to be in the moment. She just looks so.....FREE!! WOW! How amazing is that? To just be enjoying what is happening right here, right now. Not secretly thinking about laundry or dinner or that noise the truck has been making. Not pretending to be in a conversation while actually meandering off into my mental list of to do's.
   Later on once I put that fabulous and jovial little bundle down for her nap I started thinking about what being in the moment really means. We are all so busy. All the time. We are a generation of multi-taskers. So much so that I can envision myself as one of those cartoon robots who gets overloaded and short circuits. I imagine myself with smoke pouring out and springs and gears flying all over the room. I have realized that most of us feel like we are on a tilt-a-whirl all day long. We have way too much going on, way to much information flying at our brains and way to many expectations placed on ourselves.
   So how does one remedy the illness of modern society? This isn't a thesis, it is a blog:) I don't have an answer for that. I do have one simple idea. Slow down. Way down.
   At my house, I am making an effort to do that. It is time to stop rushing mindlessly from one task to the next. Some days I feel like I am fighting a losing battle with my family- conflicting personalities and time schedules. 3 people with a different set of demands, needs, requirements and hormones. And about 10 extended family with their own lists of expectations of little ol' me. I can't be everything to everyone all the time. Especially if I can't even take time to enjoy a few moments of sacred joy with my baby girl. So, once again I am taking life lessons from the precious babies of mine, this one courtesy of my Zo. Time to breathe, smile and just enjoy spinning in the moment.


  1. Once again, absolutely ADORE!! The entire time reading this in my head i scream "YEA!! EXACTLY!! YES!!" lol
    I find that there's time when Bryce just DEMANDS, "stop it silly woman, this is ME TIME! now, watch this." i drop what i am doing, cleaning, spazzing about,...sit on the floor and he starts to scribble, "talk", dance,..josey shares her insight on can goods and how they fit in a plastic tub so she can push them into another room so she can share her stacking and counting to "TWOOOOO!!!" And the light in their eyes when they feel they get that point across, when they fly,..WOW. The exact reason that i play music,..to chase those moments that feel like slow motion, that reveal things that you can't rush to,..
    Thank you :-D

  2. YES! I love that about kids, that they sometimes force you to...STOP! I think they may be the eventual cure of my OCD:)

  3. Cherie - love your post! And so true.


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